Friday, August 22, 2008

Favorite Foto Friday

I have come to the conclusion that it is might near impossible to get a good picture of the boys together at this age. Finley wants to conk Kieran on the head or roll over him or whatever. Here is the best I got today. Finley's hair is wild though because he was flinging himself about. He wanted loose to run (err crawl) the house!

And just for fun... a few that didn't "make the cut".

Kieran says, "Oh goodness gracious, what is brother going to do? Where is he going?"

"I'm concerned!"
"Oh no, he's back and going wild!"

"Okay enough, Mommy! I am bored with all this!"


Goerlich Quadruplets said...

love the irish twins in orange - great color for them! ;)