Friday, March 20, 2009

Beanie Weenie Facials?

Tonight we had a rare meal, homemade beanie weenies and macaroni and cheese. Finley said they are good for the skin. He uses them as a facial mask to keep him looking youthful. :)

Picture of The Day #54

The boys are loving the nice weather. They stayed with Grandmommy and Pabba last night while Mommy and Daddy went and saw Pat Green at the rodeo. They love staying there. I can't believe they will be 1 and 2 next month. They grow toooo fast.

Finley loves helping Mommy turn the light switches on and off and he is practicing his circus act by balancing books on Kieran's head. He also helps wash Kieran's head in the bath. They are beyond precious and such blessings!

Finley loves pushing his lawn mower toy all over the house and running over the dog's feet (and Kieran's too) in the process. He also just LOVES to dance. Anytime music comes on the radio or TV he stops what he is doing and boogies down and just squeals with delight.

Kieran also loves to dance. He laughs and giggles and jumps up and down when Veggie Tales comes on (Cindy and Rhanda, this is YOUR fault).

They also love their little play kitchen. One will "wash dishes" while the other "cooks dinner". Well, they are probably cooking up trouble more than food, but a Mommy can tell a few tall tales right? :)

I am planning their back to back birthday parties next month. We are having them both on the same day but it will be both their parties rolled into one day!

Well, that's it for now. I hope you all have a nice weekend.